Our parish is pleased to be part of the 11th Annual Summer in the CityTM campaign to support the John S. Mulholland Family Foundation. JSM conducts the only summer food drive in the region, at a time when food insecurity in Washington is at its peak. Proceeds of the drive will support 9 food pantries in the city’s most distressed neighborhoods because Hunger Doesn’t Take a VacationTM.
Bring your donations to Mass the weekend of July 20-21. JSM will be picking up our donations after the last Mass.
Please limit your donations to the following, and please no glass containers.
● Canned tuna or chicken
● Canned soup, hearty variees
● Cheerios or other low sugar cereal ● Canned fruit ● Spaghetti ● Peanut Buer & Jelly ● Pasta Sauce
● Mac & Cheese
● Rice (small sizes only) ● Baked Beans
If you are unable to participate because you will be out of town, monetary donations will be used to purchase fresh produce, milk and eggs, meat and poultry. You may send your donations directly to Mulholland Foundation, 1629 K Street, NW – Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 or donate online at Thank you for your support! We will put out bags the weekend before to take home and fill.