I’ve enjoyed my first six months serving as your pastor, especially the opportunities to get acquainted with so many of you during this unusual time of the pandemic. Through these months, I’ve come to appreciate OLV as a kind and caring community. We’ve worn masks to care for and protect our neighbors as well as ourselves. We’ve implemented technology to expand our ministry and connection, such as FlockNote and Zoom sessions for Bible Study and the Synod Listening Session for the upcoming Synod: For a Synodal Church; Communion, Participation, and Mission.
Although many of our ministries have been curtailed during the recent Covid surge, I continue to bring the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to the sick and the dying. We continue to pray together at Sunday and daily liturgy, as well as during Wednesday Holy Hour and through FlockNote-shared novenas, such as the recent Nine Days for Life. We also have been sharing Hospitality after Mass to keep up-to-date with friends and neighbors. Through it all, it is clear that we continue to be the church.
A great amount of what we’ve accomplished thus far is due to your generosity. When the pandemic changed the economic outlook, many of you continued to faithfully support our parish. Thank you. You have been generous stewards of God’s gifts, blessings that I pray will continue through this pandemic and beyond.
It is for this reason that I write to you today. As we begin this new year, we are looking at ways to restore ministries and renew community efforts for outreach, stewardship, and social justice. Without your help, the parish cannot effectively move forward while meeting the needs of our ministries, families, facility, and staff. The gift of your prayers and the support of your treasure are more important now than ever. As we approach the Holy Season of Lent, I am asking you to prayerfully consider renewing and increasing your offertory commitment to the parish by “Taking the Next Step” in support of our weekly Offertory Collection.
Please review the enclosed material and consider the opportunity to Take the Next Step, even if it is a small increase in your offertory giving. Once you have made your decision, please return the enclosed form to the parish by mail, by placing it in the offertory basket at Mass, or by bringing it by the parish office.
Once again, thank you for your generosity and for all you do for our community.
Thank you for prayerfully considering Taking the Next Step with me!